How can I work out at home if I can’t go to the gym?


Work out at home to stay fit and healthy.
Work out at home to stay fit and healthy. Engaging in regular exercise from the comfort of your own living space has numerous benefits. Whether it’s yoga, Pilates, cardio workouts, or strength training, there are plenty of options to choose from. Exercising at home saves time and money, eliminating the need for a gym membership or commuting.

Full day exercise plan at home if you cannot go to GYM ?

Home day workout is especially for those people who can’t manage their time to go to the gym every day. For these busy people, a home day exercise routine is more suitable. After finishing this, you will feel strength in your legs and your body will be warmed up.

Every complete day workout can also be a great exercise for you at home. If you can’t go to the gym for any reason, you can start this workout at your home using the exercises mentioned below. This is a home day exercise plan, so you don’t need to use any physical effort to relocate to another location. You only need an exercise mat, a pair of joggers, and a pair of clothing.

To start the full day workout, you need to follow the steps written below. You may take a whole grain bagel before 30 minutes of the exercise. However, if you do not want to eat anything, it is fine. But for a complete day workout, you need to take some food before starting because you need energy to complete the workout with more efficiency.

20 times Jumping Jack

Start jogging for at least 20 minutes continuously. Make sure that the ground is flat where you are jogging and do not wear any type of slipper or sandal except joggers. After that, warm up in the gym section. First, do at least 20 sets of Jumping Jacks. Then do 20 sets of Leg Raises and 20 sets of Squats with your body weight.

20 times squat

Squat exercises have always been a great way to activate your leg and glute muscles. And when you do it continuously at a good pace, the exercise also helps improve your heart rate, along with strengthening your legs and the muscles around them. The technique to perform the perfect squat is to keep the feet shoulder’s width apart, chest forward, bend your knees, and try to lower until your bum touches an invisible chair, and then straighten up. Make sure to keep your body’s center of gravity over your heels at its lowest. By maintaining this practice and increasing waist size can be stopped. In a full-day exercise plan at home, we include 20 squats. This repetitive heavy exercise benefits all parts of the body, including the legs, lower body, back, and core. Along with some stretching and cool-down exercises after the routine, the muscles will be repairing and starting to shape up. Spend your day effectively either by working or learning new skills. Then, punctuate your time with little exercises during the day. 20 times jumping squats

10 times Push Up

First, lay flat on the floor with your back straight. Remember that exercise requires certain ways to do it, so if you are a beginner, please follow the correct form. Keep your hands at shoulder level and palms on the floor. Then, put your feet together at the back with your toes on the floor. Now, look forward and start pushing your body up after exhaling. Be sure your body remains straight at all times. Don’t arch or curve your lower back down, and also don’t stick your hips up too high. Then, go back down after inhaling. Make sure your chest is the first one to touch the floor. Also, don’t lean your body forward too much. Ensure your elbows are still close to your body, not too much to the side. And just go as low as you can. You don’t have to touch the floor with your chest, just go to a comfortable level. 10 times ABDOMINAL CRUNCH

Next, you will move on to abdominal crunches. To do an abdominal crunch, lie on your back, put your hands behind your head, bend your knees and place your feet flat on the floor about a foot from your buttocks. Then, using your abdominal muscles, exhale as you lift your head, neck and shoulder blades off the ground. Inhale as you lower yourself back down. Be sure to keep your elbows back and your chin up. Make sure you don’t pull on your neck, keep your movements steady and controlled, and don’t use your shoulders to lead the movement – this can lead to strain. Also, don’t use your legs to pull yourself up.

50 times Jump Rope

Jumping rope is a full-body workout that activates your core, arm, and leg muscles. First and foremost, you need to find an open space which will allow you to swing the jump rope with ease. Keep your back straight, making sure your elbows are in close to you while turning the rope. The movement comes from the wrists and the rope should be adjusted using the thumb and first finger. Always jump on the balls of your feet to allow for a more rapid turning of the rope. Try to keep your jumping constant and get into a rhythm. This exercise helps in burning a lot of calories and also helps in toning your legs, arms, and helps in better hand-eye coordination. You can start off with jumping ropes for 2 to 3 minutes and keep increasing the time as you get used to it.

100 times Crunch Twist

After doing such a tiring and energy-consuming task, “50 times of jump rope”, now take rest for 30 to 40 seconds, drink cold water, and relax your body. Sit and do this task for 100 times for each side but not at once. Finish the 100 counts for one side and then switch to the other side. Remember this is a very important task in this plan. It gives a perfect smart shape to your sides and each muscle of your sides gets involved while doing this task. Take care of your breathing, breathe out when you twist and breathe in when you come to the starting position. Try to twist your body as much as you can but do not force your body otherwise you may get muscle pulling. Do it continuously and do not take a long break between changing sides otherwise it will not give good results at the end of the day. If you are a beginner then you can do 20 or so, then take rest for a few seconds and then start again. As a beginner, when you reach 20 or so, you might feel a burn in your sides, then take a few seconds gap and do it again until you finish 100 counts.


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